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When You Can Get Pregnant Again After Childbirth

Getting pregnant again shortly after giving birth or known as "baldness" is actually not new. Some mothers can even get pregnant and give birth again with a gap of less than a year. However, when exactly is the right time to get pregnant again after giving birth? In society there is often an assumption if after giving birth, especially if you exclusively breastfeed, women will need more time to get pregnant again. This assumption is not wrong, because exclusive breastfeeding is one method of prevention of pregnancy that is natural.

Pregnancy after childbirth can occur without menstruation

After giving birth, Mother may think that the sign of fertility is when menstruation returns, so that during menstruation it will not get pregnant again. Even after the puerperium, if women do not use any contraception, including not exclusively breastfeeding, women who have sexually active will have the possibility to get pregnant again. This is related to the ovulation cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 2 weeks before menstruation, so that although not yet menstruating, Mother may have entered the fertile period and are ready to get pregnant again.

Can Breastfeeding Delay Pregnancy?

When breastfeeding, you produce hormones that can delay pregnancy, especially if you are exclusively breastfeeding babies. In addition, there are several other factors that make breastfeeding can delay pregnancy, namely:
  • Stress, pain, or fatigue during breastfeeding.
  • High frequency of breastfeeding and long duration of breastfeeding.
  • Exclusive breastfeeding, without the addition of formula milk.
Because it is influenced by many factors, Mother is advised not to rely on the process of breastfeeding as a pessary, especially 9 weeks after giving birth.

Consideration of the Best Pause to Get Pregnant Again After Childbirth

The recommended interval between pregnancies is 18-24 months. This time lag is needed for the recovery process of the mother's body after giving birth, so as to minimize the risk of problems in the next pregnancy. If the pregnancy interval is too short, ie less than 6 months, the risk of the following conditions will increase:
  • Premature rupture of membranes
  • Placenta detached from the uterine wall (placental abruption)
  • Babies are born prematurely
  • Low baby weight
  • Babies suffer from congenital defects
While the pregnancy gap is too long, which is more than 5 years, or if you return to pregnancy at the age of more than 35 years, the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancies will be greater. From the child's side, the gap between pregnancy will affect the psychological condition. The age gap between children who are too close is not recommended because every child needs adequate attention during his first years. In addition, the age gap too close tends to make brothers and sisters often quarrel. Age differences that are too far away are not recommended. This is because the age gap that is too far can make the relationship between children tenuous (not close). In fact, the older brother might be jealous and hate the younger brother, because he felt his position was taken away. Being pregnant again after giving birth can occur after the puerperium is over and while still breastfeeding. Therefore, it is important to carry out routine checks to the doctor after giving birth. If you do not want to get pregnant immediately, do not forget to use contraception in accordance with doctor's recommendations.


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